The 10th of the Steering Committee Meetings, held biannually in the scope of our projects and bringing together the implementation stakeholders, was held in Ankara on October 16, 2023.
The meetings were held in 2 hybrid sessions as the Infrastructure and Energy Efficiency Measures Projects; the first session covered the Education Infrastructure for Resilience and Education for All in Times of Crisis I, II & III projects, and the second session covered the Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Measures Project.
Özcan DUMAN, Director General of the Construction and Real Estate General Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Christian BALLARO, Green Development and Inclusive Growth Manager of Delegation of European Union to Türkiye, İlhan GÜLTEKİN, Program Manager of Delegation of European Union to Türkiye, Arne GOOS, KfW Head of Southeast Europe and Türkiye Municipal and Social Infrastructure, Kirk MILDNER, KfW Ankara Office Director, Nils MADENBACH, Senior Project Manager, Jülide OĞUZ, Salih Buğra ERDURMUŞ, World Bank Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist and Team Leader, Husein ABDUL-HAMİD and Yondela Tembakazi SILIMELA, Senior Environment and Education Specialists, and Construction and Real Estate General Directorate Project Implementation Unit participated in the meetings.
Özcan DUMAN, Director General of the Construction and Real Estate General Directorate, who made the opening remarks of the meetings, said, “In our projects, a comprehensive investment perspective is put forth in the frame of the needs on one hand, while on the other hand, our construction activities continue uninterruptedly to bring our children together with their new schools on time. Despite the earthquake disaster and the pandemic process that our country experienced, our specialists in the implementation unit did not stop working for even a single day. The site audit works took 2,385 man-days in 2022, and this figure reached almost 2,000 man-days in the first three quarters of 2023. The foremost reason behind such devotion of the Project Implementation Unit is the notion of not leaving any child behind. Until now, we completed and delivered 173 schools”.
“I congratulate all parties for the achievements so far.”
Christian BALLARO, Green Development and Inclusive Growth Manager of Delegation of European Union to Türkiye, who took the floor during the session, said, “We are part of a program with eminent goals. The schools we built in the scope of our projects have been very beneficial for the people of the region during the earthquake and disaster processes, and they hold a very special meaning for enhancing the educational opportunities of all our children. We consider the point the project reached and our cooperation as successful.”
After the infrastructure projects meeting, the Meeting of the Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Measures Project Steering Committee began with the opening remarks of Özcan Duman, Director General of the Construction and Real Estate General Directorate.
“As of October 2022, we generated 14.8 MWh of electrical energy with a gross financial value of 39 million TL.”
Özcan DUMAN said, “I am happy to share with you that we have completed the first and third components of the project, namely Over Roof Solar Plants (Stage 1) and Energy Efficiency Transformations. At 50 schools where we installed Over Roof Solar Plants, including the 3 Fast Track Schools we commissioned, we generated 14.8 of MWh electrical energy with a gross financial value of 39 million TL as of October 2023. By offsetting the energy generated in 77 buildings, the electrical energy consumed by 331 schools in total is met, 94 of these schools are in Adıyaman province, 12 are in Diyarbakır province, 92 are in Gaziantep province, 6 are in Kahramanmaraş province, 12 are in Kilis province, 38 are in Konya province, 12 are in Mersin province, 16 are in Osmaniye province and 10 are in Şanlıurfa province.”
Nils MADENBACH, Senior Project Manager of KfW took the floor during the meeting and said, “I want to congratulate the Ministry of National Education and the Project Implementation Unit sincerely for the activities they carried out. A lot of progress has been made since the beginning of the project. I thank all the stakeholders who had a part in achieving this.”
During the rest of the meeting, Musa RAHMANLAR, Head of the Construction Works Department of the General Directorate of Construction and Real Estate of the Ministry of National Education, made presentations concerning the infrastructure and energy projects, and informed the participants in detail about the current status of the projects.
After exchanging views, the meeting ended with good wishes.