Within the scope of the Education for All in Times of Crisis I&II Projects, Mahzar PİRAL, who worked as a blacksmith at the Adana Çukurova construction site, never stopped his reading habit, which he described as “my only addiction in life”. For PİRAL, who could not continue his education after secondary school due to financial difficulties and living conditions, reading is an activity that opens the door to a completely different world.

59-year-old Mazhar PİRAL, who spent most of his life as a Pastry Master, had to give up his pastry profession after an illness and switched to the blacksmithing, his father’s profession.

PİRAL, who has been a blacksmith for about 10 years emphasized that everyone in the construction site is trying to get children to new school.

He stated that; “In this life, there is nothing as beautiful as reading. When you want to learn something, you’ll do it by reading, but by no one’s teaching. You will create your own basis. No one can teach you the thing that you learned by reading. Even if a thousand people say something, you will believe what you read” and continued, “Things that you read will stay in your mind forever. Reading is beneficial in every way.”